How to Look at Art

Malaka Gharib/ NPR
Many of us would love to have a deep connection when we look at a painting or sculpture, but it can be challenging. Art can feel inaccessible, as if it can only be interpreted by those who know a ton about the subject. And museums can be overwhelming. With thousands of pieces in a collection, how do you know which to focus on? And once you see a piece you like, how do you interact with it?
Here are several ways to have a meaningful connection when you look at art:
1. Keep an open mind - allow yourself to feel however the art makes you feel. You can love it. You can hate it. You can cry, feel angry or laugh
2.. Keep your museum visit short and focused - you don't need more than an hour or two. After that, it can become information overload and its hard to stay focused and retain what you've seen
3. Really look at the art - Get up close. Stand back. Consider the subject, the texture, the brushstroke, the color, the composition, the technique
4. Reflect and appreciate - Does the subject, the texture, the brushstroke, the color, the composition, the technique help you actually make a personal connection to the artwork?