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Pricing Structure
Your Art Concierge provides referrals from our network of dedicated world class specialists in each category of Art Service Providers to best assist you. 
Each referral is for one Art Service Provider and applies to one item or a collection of like items.  Referrals will be emailed to customer for the requested art purveyors.
Price:  $35 per referral (includes up to three sources) paid securely through PayPal when your Referral Request is submitted. You do not need a PayPal account to process your purchase. 
Before submitting the form on the right, verify your correct email address has been entered, or you will not receive our response. Please reach out to us directly at should you need further assistance with a response to your PAID FORM SUBMISSION. We only respond to PAID form submissions.
Examples of Referral Requests:
  • You want to sell your collection of (5) prints by Pablo Picasso - this would require only 1 referral.  Referral requests for multiple artists require separate submission forms

 We accept referral requests from the following categories:


We cannot provide referrals for objects or collections valued at less than $1,000 or outside the specified categories listed above

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We are an exclusive referral source to art service providers who are well-known and respected in the industry, and have been in business for many years. We help you find the best expert for your particular collection needs.

Referrals are Provided for Professional Resources located within the United States

If you wish to speak directly to an art adviser for more personalized attention, we can refer you to a dedicated professional who can exclusively assist you, and will charge you at their current hourly rate ($400-$500)


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